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Medical Imaging Processing and Adjudication Workflows

Medical Imaging

Streamlined Medical Imaging Review and Analysis

Our streamlined process allows you to conduct a thorough review and analysis of medical imaging files, including EEGs, MRIs, CTs, X-rays, ultrasounds, and medical documents, for clinical research. We maintain the highest standards of accuracy, tracking and confidentiality throughout every step of the process.

Secure and Confidential Processing

When a medical imaging file or document is uploaded, our advanced system immediately initiates a deidentification process. This step safeguards patient privacy, ensuring that all personal information is securely removed while preparing the document for detailed analysis. The file is then converted into the appropriate format, guaranteeing seamless compatibility with our review platform.

Expert Review and Assessment

Once the file is ready, two expert reviewers are randomly selected to conduct an independent assessment. These reviewers utilize our intuitive web application to record their findings, leveraging their extensive expertise to provide valuable insights into the medical data. Their thorough analysis contributes to the accuracy and reliability of the research.

Ensuring Consensus and Accuracy

In instances where the reviewers’ opinions differ, our system automatically triggers a consensus review by a third expert. This additional layer of review ensures any discrepancies are meticulously addressed, enhancing the precision and integrity of the final assessment.

File process

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